Forum Discussion
Creating a Cert/Key archive, returns "bad status: -14"
I am attempting create an archive from the GUI when I encounter the error. I have pulled the files and moved them over and attempting to "install" them at the moment with a bash script (F5 doesn't have a way to ingest multiple certs/keys via the cli).
- PauliusMay 24, 2023MVP
tplambeck Once you have these files you can drop them into a directory you create with path /shared/tmp/ssl_files_import/ and once that is done you can import them using the following commands.
install sys crypto cert <name_of_cert_in_GUI> from-local-file /shared/tmp/<existing_cert_name>
install sys crypto key <name_of_key_in_GUI> from-local-file /shared/tmp/<existing_key_name>It's important that you have an accurate list of names from the GUI as well as an accurate list of which cert and key files belong to the associate GUI name. This list should go quick on importing if you do it this way. I'm sure some scripting could be done to allow you to come up with the CLI commands quicker but that's all I have for now.
Make sure that after you import all the files that you issue a "save sys config" to ensure your changes are saved to memory.
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