Forum Discussion

Or_A_157009's avatar
Aug 08, 2014

Create iRule that iterates over a values in an iApp



Is it possible to create an iRule that is checking http headers from a list i will create using an iApp?


for example i have an http header called host: i want the irule to check if the ip is in a list my users input to an iapp i will create.


not sure if it's the best way to do so, but that's what i see as the most apropriate solution. would also appriciate an example to do so.


thanks az.


  • Sagen_80793's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    Couple of questions to consider first. How many IPs are you expecting to add to the list? What version of BIG-IP are you using today?


    If the list is fairly small, you could manage this directly in an iRule. The iApp would build the iRule each time someone clicks "Finished" from the "Reconfigure" tab. If the list is reasonably long, you might prefer to have the iApp managing entries in a Data Group, and then have the iRule check for entries in the Data Group. I would expect that the iRule would be fairly static, while the Data Group would be updated each time a user clicks "Finished" from the "Reconfigure" tab of the iApp.


  • Sagen,


    the list is a long list and the operation users will have to edit it by themselfs and their not IT guys. im using 11.5.1 as the big ip.


    if i understand correctly i need to build a data group in the iApp and then iterate that data group from the iRule?


    thanks Az.


  • Sagen_80793's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    "if i understand correctly i need to build a data group in the iApp and then iterate that data group from the iRule?"


    Correct. There should be examples on using an iRule to scan a Data Group on DevCentral. I'll ponder if there are any iApp examples that you could model to show Data Group management.


  • Fred_Slater_856's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
