Forum Discussion

Rick_engelhardt's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 12, 2012

copying running active image/config to new boot location

Im currently running a 10.x.x image in boot location hd1.1 and have a backup of the config. I would like to create a copy of the boot image and config to mirror the running image and config in boot location hd1.4 to test upgrades while still leaving a text image available for other users. I do not know if this can be done completely. I know backups, restores, etc. can be done. Its also unclear if this can be accomplished with cpcfg utility. Though cpcfg utility requires 11.x


Im looking for...


10.2.x cfg 12-4 on hd 1.1


10.2.x cfg_12-4 on hd 1.4



thanks in advance


  • cpcfg is available with v10.



    You should be able to use the GUI or the CLI image2disk utility to install the software on the relevant partition.