Forum Discussion

Michael_Koyfma1's avatar
Sep 06, 2011

Cool new Citrix iApps are available for v11!

F5 TMOS v11 has been released in the wild a couple weeks ago, and with it, we've brought a whole new slew of features and enhancements to support our customer's Citrix deployments.



For starters, let's review a couple of new iApp templates that we've released on DevCentral's iApp forum - feel free to check them out!



The templates are available here:



The APM template is really cool and allows you to configure Secure ICA proxy for remote access in a snap - as long as you have your certificate handy and IP addresses handy, you can be up and running in just a few minutes, and it allows you to deploy remote access for both XenApp and XenDesktop!



The Load-Balancing template allows you to configure both XenApp and XenDesktop loadbalancing from within the same template.



We have a lot of cool new and exciting plans to enhance these templates to provide unparalleled ease of configuration of as many deployment scenarios as possible - but for now, please feel free to use these, enjoy, and post your feedback here!


  • We've upgraded our production F5's to V11 and it's been a stormy upgrade.



    We had Citrix behind LTM and APM implemented and it was working relatively well. we did find that the V10 setup no longer functioned in V11 and we had to rebuild our setup using these iApps to get it working (the LTM component of it only).



    They did allow us to rebuild it and have it working how V11 wanted in about 5 minutes and seemed to work well. we've also noticed that when you implement them as a Citrix remote desktop and apply them to a dynamic web top they will actually list all of your deployed Citrix applications as individual items on your webtop which was very cool!



    We are currently looking at what we can achieve with this new setup using SSL VPN and APM to enhance our users experience.


  • Thanks for posting, Andrew! It's great to see your successful v11 iApp experience, as well as seeing you as a happy Citrix customer leveraging F5 both for loadbalancing and remote access.



    Dell Tech Center just did a 5 minute video of us doing a demo of both Citrix iApp templates at Vmworld 2011. If you are wondering just how easy the iApp templates are to use, check out the video: