Mar 30, 2011
cookie persistence profiles in conjunction with an iRule
I'm having an issue with cookie persistence when passing through multiple load balancers, that aside, can someone please verify a couple things for me?
scenario 1
-your_cookie_name is a persistence profile with the general profile name of "your_cookie_name", cookie mode insert and a cookie name of "my_cookie"
profile persist your_cookie_name {
defaults from cookie
mode cookie
cookie mode insert
cookie name "my_cookie"
-Is the iRule command "persist cookie insert your_cookie_name" designed to call the profile named "your_cookie_name" and insert a cookie named "my_cookie" or will it insert a cookie named "your_cookie_name"?
Whenever I've used cookie insert I never used the "cookie name" feature.. and it always defaulted to the general name... I'm using it now and I'm seeing both at pool1.. so it looks like a bug.. I would think it would use the custom name within the profile as you can't call the command in the iRule without a profile attached to the VS.
rule my_irule {
set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
if { [class match [HTTP::uri] starts_with myclass] } {
pool pool1
} else {
pool pool2
persist cookie insert your_cookie_name
-A cookie persistence profile and an iRule are assigned to a VS. The iRule will route traffic to a pool on specific URIs, else it sends to another pool and uses "persist cookie insert your_cookie_name". Will a cookie be sent when matching the first condition because a persistence profile is assigned to the VS in general, even though the command is not being called within that portion of the iRule?