Forum Discussion

Brian_Saunders1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 08, 2012

Confirmation on OID String Values

Hey Everyone,



We're making some decisions based on data being returned by OID's and need to confirm what the values represent. These are the OID's:



  • Just an FYI for everyone - received a response from F5 Support:



    - sysStatClientTotConns (.



    The Client Connects section represents the total number of new connection flows created by TMM. This section includes all connections; it is not limited to any specific type or protocol.



    Note: This section does not include fully accelerated PVA connections or connections that have exceeded a connection limit on the Virtual Server or Virtual Address.




    - sysStatClientCurConns (.



    This shows the current active connections from the clientside to the LTM. These would be TCP connections



    - ltmVirtualServStatClientCurConns (



    The current active connections from the client side to the specified virtual server. These are TCP connections.