Forum Discussion

Sonny's avatar
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Oct 01, 2015

Configuring VS to access LTM

I have 2 management interfaces, x.x.10.1 and x.x.20.1. I normally access the device through 20.1. So I created a vs to access 10.1. However, looking at the tcpdump, I don't see any response back from 10.1 when I access it through the vs. Thus, I get page cannot display. IF I access 10.1, without going through the vs, it works fine. Just wondering if anyone knows what the issue may be off the top of their heads.


The reason I created a vs to access the device was so I can apply an access policy I created to use 2FA. The policy authn the user against the LDAP and then if successful will prompt for your CAC and then does a check for validity and if successful, allows the user to the pool member. In this case, 10.1. From the tcpdump, I see this happening. Again, I just don't see and response from 10.1.