Forum Discussion
- gurulee_340176Altostratus
We just had our Skype virtual servers go down in F5 and Skype clients disconnected. At this time I saw this message as well. We also had a changes pending state with sync partner as well afterwards. Are we sure it does not cause an interruption in connectivity?
- hooleylistCirrostratusWas this at 4am? It's likely syslog-ng was re-initialized as part of cronjobs that run each morning:
- rajeev_81179Nimbostratusthanks a lot aaron...
- Matt_112326Historic F5 AccountMaybe logrotate?
- Simon_Sparks_12Nimbostratus
This occurred at 4:02am for me but also during the day at 11:46am which caused an interruption in the availability of the REST API in v11.4.
- ekintulga_15690Nimbostratus
Do devices get into "changes pending" state after this operation?
- vaibhav_MD_2489Nimbostratus
HI Dear,
The BIG-IP system runs a daily log rotation script at 4:02 A.M. that reloads the syslog-ng process. As a result, the system logs a message similar to the following example to the /var/log/messages file at that time:
syslog-ng[]: Configuration reload request received, reloading configuration;
In the log message example, note the following:
- RahulKNimbostratus
In my case yes. Change pending is there
I have the same issue. I can see the log on var/ log/messages but we never start the device and device uptime is since long time
- nitassEmployee
Do devices get into "changes pending" state after this operation?
i do not think so.
[root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config date; tmsh show cm sync-status Mon Jul 7 07:36:05 PDT 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CM::Sync Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color green Status In Sync Summary All devices in the device group are in sync Details /Common/ve11b.acme.local: connected (for 521240 seconds) /Common/ve11c.acme.local: connected (for 521240 seconds) /Common/device_trust_group (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync /Common/dg (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config date;/etc/init.d/syslog-ng reload Mon Jul 7 07:36:20 PDT 2014 [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config cat /var/log/messages Jul 7 07:36:20 ve11a notice syslog-ng[27803]: Configuration reload request received, reloading configuration; [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config date; tmsh show cm sync-status Mon Jul 7 07:36:35 PDT 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CM::Sync Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color green Status In Sync Summary All devices in the device group are in sync Details /Common/ve11b.acme.local: connected (for 521240 seconds) /Common/ve11c.acme.local: connected (for 521240 seconds) /Common/device_trust_group (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync /Common/dg (In Sync): All devices in the device group are in sync
- ekintulga_15690Nimbostratus
Thanks nitass, yes it doesn't correlate with the times changes performed. I tested here as well. Thanks for your answer.
nice commands indeed.