Forum Discussion

NetSnoopy's avatar
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Apr 26, 2017

clock format from ISO8601 to numerical


I have variable with a timestamp like this "2017-04-26T15:09:49.228Z" and I need to convert to numerical (just seconds).

I try

[clock format $nbf -format {%s}]

I get a TCL error "- expected integer but got "2017-04-26T15:09:49.228Z" while executing "clock format $nbf -format {%s}""

Have anyone a idea how I can solve this format problem?

  • Hi,

    you can use this:

    set time "2017-04-26T15:09:49.228Z"
    set time [string range $time 0 [string first "." $time]-1]
    clock scan $time -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}