3 Topicsclock format from ISO8601 to numerical
Hello, I have variable with a timestamp like this "2017-04-26T15:09:49.228Z" and I need to convert to numerical (just seconds). I try [clock format $nbf -format {%s}] I get a TCL error "- expected integer but got "2017-04-26T15:09:49.228Z" while executing "clock format $nbf -format {%s}"" Have anyone a idea how I can solve this format problem?324Views0likes1Commentautomating UCS archive creation, with date in the file name
In an F5 BIG-IP load balancer, is there a way to achieve the following objectives? automate / schedule the process of generating / backing up its UCS archives, and automatically include / append the date (of generating the UCS archive) into the file name of the UCS archive565Views0likes3CommentsLog time mismatch
Hello everyone!!! I've found a timestamp issue during a ltm log review. It starts normally but after a few events the clock goes backwards and forward. Please see the attached picture: This issue happens in both units of an HA Pair with TMOS 11.6.0 Final (No HF Applied) Any ideas? Regards Sebastian Aguirre G.191Views0likes1Comment