Forum Discussion

Ram_Khakurel_75's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2012

Citrix xenapp 6.5 in IPad receiver through apm



We have got our Citrix xenapp 6.5 working in the dynamic webtop through apm for windows receiver.


apm talks with XML broker to retrieve published app in webtop.



What we need to do extra to make this apm URL work in IPad Citrix receiver.we have tried but doesn't work.


We are testing with latest Citrix receiver available in iTunes store.






  • Ramsharan,



    It certainly should work. What exactly is the error you're experiencing? How did you create your APM configuration? Can you please make sure that there is a STREAM profile associated with your virtual? Is your SSL certificate chained properly? You can verify that by hitting the APM VIP in Safari on the iOS device - if no warnings pop up, you should be good, but turning on Ignore Certificate Warnings option in the iOS Receiver is yet another troubleshooting step you can take.
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    I've seen strangeness in the iOS access too (Via the web interface). The last time I tried, the iPad couldn't find an app for the returned .ica file. Which is strange, because IIRC I had this working no issues for a LB'ed pair of netscalars (LB'ed via BigIP and with fixups). (Although I have updated to iOS v6 since I last tried the netscalar



    I wasn't aware the Citrix Receivers could have the certificate checking disabled... Where do you do that (That would solve one problem for me). I haven't managed to find that setting on desktops... (Or is it iOS only?)



  • Ignore Certificate Warnings is the option for iOS clients only(it may be on Anroid as well, I don't know - but definitely not on a PC/Mac). It's under the Account settings in the iOS receiver - all the way at the bottom: Ignore certificate warnnings - on or off.
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Ah. Not on PC/Mac. That's why i couldn't find it (I was looking on a Mac). Makes pre-live testing exciting :)



    I have solved my own problem with receiver on iPad. Looks like iOS 6 may have changed the way Safari pops up it's little helpers... there's an additional dialog BEFORE it offers to ope the receiver. You have to select CANCEL on that one (Which kindly informs you there's no app available for the ica file andoffering to take you to the App Store) before the REAL requester pops up asking if you'd like to open the ica with the installed citrix receiver.







  • Putting stream profile to the VIP did the trick.


    It's working in ios and android Citrix receiver.
  • Hey guys,



    I'm looking at doing the same thing, but i'm having issues with getting it to run two factor auth.



    doing an SSLdump on the F5's it seems that the receiver provides the credentials, then the F5 is sending back a 500.



    The testing i'm doing is with the iApp template with another field turned on in the logon page.



    Any help would be great.



  • Andrew,



    Have you reviewed the latest deployment guide for XenApp and APM?



    This should have the 2-factor configuration covered - please follow it exactly, as field names in the login page and order of authentication make a huge difference in the success factor. :)
  • Thanks for that Michael,



    turns out the issue i had is when i had smart-access filters applying when using a receiver client, once i moved them to a branch that the receiver didn't get to, everything worked fine.



    I'm going to look into this further with my colleagues