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bsg273_163868's avatar
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Oct 27, 2015

Changing Virtual Server's Access Profile with TMSH

I'm trying to perform an action in TMSH that would be otherwise simple in the f5 Console GUI. When you navigate to Local traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List and click on a given virtual server, you can then scroll down and change the Access Profile assigned to that virtual server in the Access Profile dropdown, click update, and you're done ... quite simple. It seems like the way to change to a different profile for a given virtual server in TMSH is to just delete the old one and then add a new one. However, when I tab to try to see my options for autocomplete after the add or delete part of my command, it only shows SSL Profiles and HTTP Profiles as options, not Access Profiles. Here is the TMSH command I'm talking about ...

modify ltm virtual MY_VIRTUAL_SERVER profiles add { [NO OPTION FOR ACCESS PROFILES HERE]

Is there a way to change a virtual server's assigned access profile using a TMSH command without having to directly edit


  • Is your tmsh session in the same partition as where your access profiles are stored? I do this all the time for APM, but I don't necessarily rely on auto-complete.

    You can use something like this:

    modify ltm virtual SND-Virtual1-443-VS      profiles add {SND-V3-Access} profiles delete {SND-V2-Access}