Nov 10, 2011Altostratus
change url via iRule
simple irule question, I been looking for an answer and cant find it so sorry if this was answered already.
I need an iRule that can repalce part of a url with another. Meaning if the reqeust comes for "http://www.abc.com/1234" I would like to change the user's address bar to "http://www.xyz.com/1234" or whatever the user had requested. That means the only part I like to change is between //domainname.com/ and nothing after that. So if the request for for a long url such as "http://www.abc.com/mysite/test/whatever" then I like to preserve the "/mysite/test/whatever" path and just replace the domain part.
Let me know if I've explained this and if this can be done via an iRule. Very much apprecaite your help in advance!