Forum Discussion

smeegs_85979's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 18, 2010

Can't connect to Host subsystem console

Hey guys,



I've just replaced one of my 3400s and it's all working fine except for the serial connection.



I can see the unit boot, but when it's finished booting I get dropped to a '>' prompt. I can't seem to do anything from here except bring up the [hostconsh] Command Menu:.



Has anyone come across this before?





1 Reply

  • George_Watkins_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hi smeegs,



    I've seen a lot of things, but this would be a first. If you can get to the GUI and/or SSH to the unit then you aren't stuck in single user mode or busybox. I would make sure that this replacement unit is running the same version of BIG-IP as its partner and that the configs have been synced. If all that is good, I'd SSH to the box and do a full_box_reboot on it from the command line. If that doesn't resolve the issue, I'd open another support case.


