Forum Discussion

HankLiu_159320's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2014

Can you return a status code without content or location?



Can I throw a http response code without any location or content?


e.g. HTTP:response 400


Would this be syntactically legal or will it throw some error during runtime? I wasn't able to find a good example on this. Thanks!


  • According to the RFC, status code of 400 does not require any further 'meta-information' to be provided.


  • Sorry, I'm getting emails telling me you have responded but I just can't see them here for some reason.


  • I don't see why something like

    HTTP::respond 400

    wouldn't work. You could refine it somewhat by specifiying a HTTP version

    -version 1.1

    and also prevent a Server header being sent using


    but I'd hope it would work just fine with HTTP::respond 400