Forum Discussion

bdes_267149's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 30, 2018

Can we use lcdwarn command to display custom message on LCD panel?

I already successfully used the lcdwarn -c command to clear error messages on the LCD panel. What I would like to achieve now is displaying a custom message on the LCD panel (something like "To rem...
  • bdes_267149's avatar
    Jul 05, 2018

    I randomly find the answer to this question while reviewing the /etc/alertd/alert.conf file.

    The command to display a custom message on the LCD panel appears to be:

    lcdwarn description="CPU Temp too high." priority="3"

    And here is the details about the priority:

    * The lcdwarn messages can be one of 5 levels:
    * 0 - warning   - makes the Alert LED glow yellow
    * 1 - error     - makes the Alert LED blink yellow
    * 2 - alert     - makes the Alert LED glow red
    * 3 - critical  - makes the Alert LED glow red
    * 4 - emergency - makes the Alert LED blink red
    * 5 - info      - leave the LED off
    * You may use `lcdwarn` or `clearlcd_*` command line programs to add
    * or clear warnings from the LCD/LED.
    * It is possible that you will have some warnings and some alerts, so
    * when you clear the error, the LED will stop being red and turn
    * yellow.  You will have to clear that error seperately.

    I hope this information will be useful to someone else in the future.