Displaying VS config using SDK
Problem this snippet solves:
I have made a script in python using the SDK of F5 to display a brief information of the configuration of each existing VS.
You can use this code as proof of concept of how to use F5 SDK.
How to use this snippet:
You need to replace this next line with the corresponding information before executing the script.
session = ManagementRoot("F5_mgmt_IP","username","password",token=True)
Code :
import re from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot # ---------------------------------------------------------- session = ManagementRoot("F5_mgmt_IP","username","password",token=True) # CAPTURE LIST OF CLIENT SSL PROFILES client_ssls = session.tm.ltm.profile.client_ssls.get_collection() # https:///mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/client-ssl listClientSsl = [] for client_ssl in client_ssls: listClientSsl.append(client_ssl.name) # CAPTURE LIST OF SERVER SSL PROFILES server_ssls = session.tm.ltm.profile.server_ssls.get_collection() # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/server-ssl listServerSsl = [] for server_ssl in server_ssls: listServerSsl.append(server_ssl.name) # CAPTURE VIRTUAL SERVER INFORMATION virtuals = session.tm.ltm.virtuals.get_collection() # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual for virtual in virtuals: print("------------") print("Partition: {}".format(virtual.partition)) if hasattr(virtual, 'subPath'): print("SubPath: {}".format(virtual.subPath)) else: print("SubPath: None") print("Virtual: {}".format(virtual.name)) if hasattr(virtual, 'description'): print("Description: {}".format(virtual.description)) else: print("Description: None") print("Destination: {}".format(re.search('[^\/]+$', virtual.destination).group(0))) listClientSsl_inUse = [] listServerSsl_inUse = [] for profile in virtual.profiles_s.get_collection(): # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/ /profiles if profile.name in listClientSsl: listClientSsl_inUse.append(profile.name) if profile.name in listServerSsl: listServerSsl_inUse.append(profile.name) if listClientSsl_inUse: for prof in listClientSsl_inUse: print("Client SSL: {}".format(prof)) else: print("Client SSL: None") if listServerSsl_inUse: for prof in listServerSsl_inUse: print("Server SSL: {}".format(prof)) else: print("Server SSL: None") if hasattr(virtual, 'rules'): for rule in virtual.rules: print("Rule: {}".format(re.search('[^\/]+$', rule).group(0))) else: print("Rule: None") if hasattr(virtual, 'persist'): for persist in virtual.persist: print("Persistence: {}".format(persist['name'])) else: print("Persistence: None") if hasattr(virtual, 'pool'): print("Pool: {}".format(re.search('[^\/]+$', virtual.pool).group(0))) if hasattr(virtual, 'subPath'): poolName = virtual.pool.split("/")[3] poolSubpath = virtual.pool.split("/")[2] poolPartition = virtual.pool.split("/")[1] pool = session.tm.ltm.pools.pool.load(name=poolName, subPath=poolSubpath, partition=poolPartition) # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/ else: poolName = virtual.pool.split("/")[2] poolPartition = virtual.pool.split("/")[1] pool = session.tm.ltm.pools.pool.load(name=poolName, partition=poolPartition) # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/ poolMembers = pool.members_s.get_collection() # https:// /mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/ /members if poolMembers: for member in poolMembers: print("Member: {}".format(member.name)) else: print("Member: None") else: print("Pool: None") print("Member: None") print("------------") # ----------------------------------------------------------
Tested this on version:
12.1- mshoaib
Your script is helpful to view and verify Virtual server configuration ... Good Job.
I have also worked on the similar tasks and created the following repo to migrate not only Virtuals but most of the BigIP configuration from one unit to another.
This has been designed also using Python and F5 SDK .... check it out
Great job mshoaib! Thanks for sharing.
- Scott_Jester
Thank you, was trying to build this out myself and saved me a ton of time.
- vigyu
Hi! This script works very well. Thank you very much.