Forum Discussion

silvan_chao_169's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 11, 2014

Can 2000s upgrade performance to 2200s

I have one 2000s . Could it upgrade to 2200s by license ? Does it same performance with 2200s ? TKS!


2 Replies

  • Hi silvan, answer is yes. here is the ref : BIG-IP 2000s to 2200s License UpgradeF5-ADD-BIG-2200S


    this is purely licensing, but it's unlocking hardware components and software limitation.


  • THi's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Yes, the 2000s is field upgradeable to 2200s. You need to purchase a license key to enable the full 2200s capability. There is an upgrade license for this in the F5 price list:

    BIG-IP 2000s to 2200s License Upgrade