Forum Discussion

gha's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2018

BigIP VE v13.1.x in VMware - iApp menu item is missing



got a strange issue with the Virtual Edition of BigIP running in a VMware Workstation.


Somehow the iApp menu item is not shown in the Configuration Utility (Web GUI) in all 13.1.x versions I've tried so far.


  • Version 12.1.x - iApp menu is there.
  • Upgrade from 12.1.x to - iApp menu item is gone
  • Upgrade from to - iApp menu item is gone
  • Fresh Install of - iApp menu item is gone
  • Upgrade from to 13.1.1 - iApp menu item is gone
  • Fresh Install of 13.1.1 - iApp menu item is gone

Couldn't find any change of behavior regarding iApps in the Release Notes.


The iApp functionality is still there. In an older article here on DevCentral I've found the direct links for iApps and the templates. And those are still working:


  • https:///tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/application/list.jsp
  • https:///tmui/Control/jspmap/tmui/application_template/list.jsp

That's my workaround at the moment.


What am I missing? (apart from the iApp menu item)


Thank you very much and kind regards,




  • I've just found a workaround for this issue that may help if anyone wants to try a less invasive fix than applying a hotfix

    I experienced the same issue on 13.1.1 when attempting to install the AS3 RPM package, iApp menu was missing.

    However if you run the following in the CLI, the iApp menu revealed it's self again:

    touch /var/config/rest/iapps/enable

    If F5 are able to validate this workaround it would be great if they can update the bugger tracker

  • This is an issue with the SSL Orchestration license feature.


    You will need to raise a ticket with F5 Support to get a Hotfix for this issue.


    bug ID: 740969


    Ask for EngHF: Hotfix-BIGIP-