Forum Discussion

SpectrumKaif_32's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 08, 2017

BIG-IP Edge VPN Client

Hi All,

Our organisation recently moved from CISCO VPN solutions to one that is provided by F5. In the past we have manually installed our CISCO client however we are moving towards automation. I have read the following KBs which have helped me extract the MSI installer from the EXE.

The issue I am facing is that I am unable to create an administrative install using:

msiexec /a d:\F5\f5fpclients.msi

with an error message of:

This comes after entering the company name, when prompted.

This is doing my head in and any guidance from you all who have done this in the past will be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi All,


    I have since fixed that error, by changing the installation location from D:\ to D:\F5 however, a new error message:


    What does this mean? Any help and guidance will be much appreciated.




  • Hi All,

    I decided to go right back to basics and start off fresh.

    This is what I have done so far:

    1. Downloaded the BIGIPEdgeClient.exe again
    2. Copied the file into D:\F5\
    3. Opened an Administrative
      prompt (WINDOWS + X then A) and changed to
    4. .\BIGIPEdgeClient.exe /x
      and extracted the contents into
    5. cd
    6. Run
      msiexec /a f5fpclients.msi /l c:\f5-admininstall.log
      (create installation log to c:\f5-admininstall.log)
    7. Next
      > Enter Company Information > Enter
      Network location
      (D:\F5> Installation complete.

    Now that I've got an administrative install available, how do I deploy that?

