Forum Discussion

Reddy1's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 03, 2020

Big-ip Edge client unable to download the PAC File

Hi ,


We are trying to configure the F5 APM to provide the path to the PAC when the user connects to the VPN. For some reason , we see the error in the client logs, " Failed to connect for downloading a PAC file XXXXXXXXXXXX". I wonder if there is anything i missed, Here is the configuration,


client-proxy true

  client-proxy-enforce-subnets false

  client-proxy-ignore-auto-config-error true

  client-proxy-local-bypass true


  client-proxy-use-http-pac true


Please feel free to suggest if the settings required to change.





  • ​Sounds like the client is having trouble reaching the PAC file. I would troubleshoot this part of it, such as Network issues or Firewall issues, etc.