Forum Discussion
BIG-IP DNS: Check Status Of Multiple Monitors Against Pool Member
Hi Cory,
Try this for your scenario:
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
or if need more details use this:
tmsh show gtm pool a all detail | grep -i -e 'gtm\|pool\|member\|availability\|state\|reason\|destination\|utime\|member\|vip'
You can modify it according to your requirement.
The output will be like this
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
Gtm::Pool::A Test-rule
Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box10_Test2_a_8080:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box10_Test2_b_8080:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box10_Test2_c_8080:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box20_Test2_a_8080:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box20_Test2_b_8080:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_proxy-rule:A Test_Box20_Test2_c_8080:
| Reason : Available
Gtm::Pool::A test_wideIp
Reason : No enabled pool members available
| Gtm::Pool Member: test_wideIp:A ptetest_wideIp-primary:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/gateway_icmp from 10.x.24y.13 : state: timeout
| Gtm::Pool Member: test_wideIp:A test_wideIp-primary:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/gateway_icmp from : state: timeout
Gtm::Pool::A test_wideIp.USA
Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: test_wideIp.USA:A Bostonc.USA:Bostonc.USA
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: test_wideIp.USA:A Bostone.USA:Bostone.USA
| Reason : Available
Gtm::Pool::A Amazon_fileshare
Reason : No enabled pool members available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Amazon_fileshare:A pteAmazon_fileshare-primary:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/gateway_icmp from : state: timeout
| Gtm::Pool Member: Amazon_fileshare:A Amazon_fileshare-primary:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/gateway_icmp from : state: timeout
Gtm::Pool::A Test_PRD
Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_PRD:A wtg_M_VIP:10.10.10147
| Reason : Monitor /Common/tcp from : state: connect failed
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_PRD:A wtg_STest_USA_VIP:
| Reason : Available
Gtm::Pool::A Test_USA-vip
Reason : No enabled pool members available
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_USA-vip:A Test_USA-vip-mTest_USA:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/tcp from : state: timeout
| Gtm::Pool Member: Test_USA-vip:A Test_USA-vip-sTest_USA:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/tcp from : state: timeout: disabled directly
Gtm::Pool::A DFlipcart_dev
Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_dev:A DFlipcart_dev_bck:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/http-head-DFlipcart-api-diagnostics-ishealthy from : connect: timeout search result false: disabled
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_dev:A DFlipcart_dev_bck_new1:
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_dev:A DFlipcart_dev_bck_new:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/none from <unknown> : no reply from big3d: timed out: disabled directly
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_dev:A DFlipcart_dev_pri:
| Reason : Available: disabled directly
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_dev:A DFlipcart_dev_pri_new:
| Reason : Monitor /Common/http-head-DFlipcart-api-diagnostics-ishealthy from : connect: protocol mismatch search result false
Gtm::Pool::A DFlipcart_prod
Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_prod:A /PROD/vs_wb_DFlipcart_prd:Test2_LTMs
| Reason : Available
| Gtm::Pool Member: DFlipcart_prod:A DFlipcart_sTest_USA:
Here are many more commands for other purpose i keep trying and experimenting, for that you have to be good in GREP :
The following command will find pools with a return to DNS option and print the name of the pools.
tmsh -c 'cd /; list gtm pool recursive all-properties one-line' | awk '/return-to-dns/{print $4}'
My Other GTM master Commands which i use frequently and keep customizing them based on the requirement
My Other GTM master Commands you can try to get more results of your choice
bash mode
netstat -na |grep 4353
tmsh list /gtm server all
tmsh list gtm wideip a one-line
tmsh list gtm wideip aaaa one-line
tmsh show gtm wideip a detail
tmsh show gtm wideip a pools
tmsh show gtm wideip a all
tmsh show gtm listener
tmsh show gtm listener all-properties
tmsh show gtm pool a detail
tmsh show gtm pool a detail field-fmt
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail
tmsh show gtm pool a members fireld-fmt
show gtm pool a members field-fmt server
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Pool' | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination'
show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual'
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual'
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e monitor
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\status\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e "reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e -r “reason"
list ltm pool members | grep '^ltm\|:\|priority'
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep ‘^gtm\|:\|reason’
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail grep monitor
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e monitor
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e monitor
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Pool' | grep -i -e monitor
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -e -i “Gtm\Pool” | grep -i -e "pool\|gtm\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e " pool\|destination\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual'
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Pool' | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e " pool\|destination\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Pool' | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e " reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members field-fmt | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e " pool\|destination\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members field-fmt | grep -i -e 'GTM\|Virtual' | grep -i -e " pool\|destination\|reason"
tmsh show gtm pool a members field-fmt | grep -i -e “GTM\|Pool”
tmsh show gtm pool a members detail grep
tmsh show gtm server all detail
tmsh show gtm server detail virtual-servers
tmsh show gtm server detail virtual-servers field-fmt
tmsh list gtm server addresses virtual-servers
tmsh show gtm server detail
tmsh show gtm server detail all
tmsh list net self all-properties
tmsh list gtm listener all-properties
tmsh list gtm listener vlans
tmsh show sys ip-address all-properties
tmsh show gtm wideip A all detail | grep 'WideIp\|Destination'
tmsh show gtm all detail | grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server"
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -e -i -n NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVE
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep 'Pool\|Destination'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A | grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'
only one pipe
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e 'NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' | grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$' = No results
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e '\^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e '\^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e '\NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '\NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server"
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '$NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER' -C 2
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER' -C 1
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*15*' -C 1
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*gtm*' -C 3 grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'
tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*gtm*' grep -e -i NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER
- Cory_OApr 29, 2024
Thank you for your response F5_Design_Engineer; I appreciate it! Sadly, it seems the system is limited in it's response.
The typical output of "tmsh show gtm pool a %MY_POOL% members detail" only shows a simple up/down status with a reason of one monitor. What I'm looking for is to track the status of MULTIPLE independent monitors against a Pool member, when the monitor is configured as a "min 1 of" several monitors.
The use case would be to be able to test a new monitor against a pool in parallel with what exists in production, all the while not impacting production with the test. As I mentioned, the LTM platform allows you to do this by running a tmsh show against a specific monitor, but in gtm it appears this is not an option.
I hope that helps to explain it better, and I really appreciate your assistance!
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