Forum Discussion

Marvin_129795's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 12, 2018

Big IP APM customized logon background image not loading

Dear all,

We are using Big IP version 13 HF2 and have succesfully integrated Citrix with Big IP APM. The only thing we are trying to accomplish is to change the background image to a locally stored image on the F5 APM and currently is not loading. When using the same image but calling it directly from another server it works fine.

In the advanced customization we uploaded the image on to the Big IP.

We can clearly see the image path being /PROD/login_background.jpg. We are using partitions and the partition is named PROD.

I verify the image location on the Big IP.

The location is /public/images/customization/PROD/login_background.jpg

Now I am trying to customize the apm_full.css also explained here

I tried various combinations but none of them seems to work.


Strange thing is when I configure an external website pointing to exactly the same image it does work. So only locally stored files are not working or loading. When trying to access the APM portal website it clearly responds with 404 not found for this locally stored image.

The following line does work properly point to an external website hosting the same image.


Does anybody know how to make this to load properly using the internally stored image?