Forum Discussion

Matt_H_58911's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 17, 2007

BIG-IP 9.1.0 Build 6.2 IRULE ** Newbie**

I've inherited this wonderful device and now need to learn how to write an irule.






What I would like to do is match on a URL and send requests for certain portions of pages to a new server(via IP address).



For example, any request coming in for* or* or*



is then sent to a specific destination server.



Any assistance would be very helpful





  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    I just got the lowdown on the ONECONNECT commands commands from Product Development.



    They give us finer-grained control the behaviour of OneConnect when it's enabled, but that's not what you need.



    I will be updating the wiki shortly with that info -- thanks for the reminder!





  • Deb,



    You rock! I should be able to drive from here!



    Thanks again......