Forum Discussion

Ryan_34424's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jan 02, 2019

BIG-IP :: vCMP Host & Local Images :: Not Showing Host Images on Guest

It looks like after v12, the ability to have Host and Local images went away? On v13 now -- it appears that my vCMP guests can only see Local image sources and not the host images... whereas prior to upgrade, they could see both. In the GUI under System -> Software Management -> Image List. I only see Local images. Via CLI, my guest /shared/images is empty, but they are present in that path on the host.

Is there a way to get this back?

According to the documentation, "BIG-IP® software images that are stored and managed on the vCMP® host are available for vCMP guests to install. The vCMP host presents a list of those images within each guest for guest administrators to use as needed.... All ISO images that the host administrator has imported into the host's /shared/images folder automatically appear on each guest as available for installation."

... but that does not seem to be the case for me.

word@(das-guest)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Standby)(/Common)(tmos) list sys software image
word@(das-guest)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Standby)(/Common)(tmos) 
word@(das-guest)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Standby)(/Common)(tmos) list sys software block-device-image
word@(das-guest)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Standby)(/Common)(tmos) 

word@(das-host)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list sys software image
sys software image BIGIP- {
     -- trimmed --
sys software image BIGIP-14.1.0-0.0.116.iso {
     -- trimmed --
    version 14.1.0
word@(das-host)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) 

It changed when I went from 12 to 13.

Thanks in advance.

  • Engineering services suggested that the issue can be worked around by disabling the redirect-http-to-https setting:

     tmsh modify sys httpd redirect-http-to-https disabled

    Bug ID 540530: vCMP guest with redirect-http-to-https enabled may see incorrect set of block-device-images and block-device-hotfixes.

    After making the changes above, the problem was resolved.

  • Interestingly enough, I found one guest on a particular host that does not display this behavior. Works as the documentation above explains (same code revs). A different guest on that same host does not (same code rev). None of my other hosts have guests that "work". I upgraded one of the hosts/guests to v14 and that did not resolve.


  • John_Huttley_23's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Ryan,


    I'm not aware of any changes.


    Is guestagentd running on the guest?


    What is the Host platform?


    What is the Host version?




  • Appears to be:

    [user@guest:Standby:In Sync] config  ps aux | grep guestagent
    root      3280  0.0  0.0 103344   844 pts/0    S+   07:51   0:00 grep guestagent
    root      4933  0.0  0.0   1924   224 ?        S    05:56   0:00 runsv guestagentd
    root      4939  0.0  0.2 437316 25112 ?        Sl   05:56   0:04 /usr/bin/guestagentd
    [user@guest:Standby:In Sync] config 

    Host Platform is i5800.

    I was running host & guests on I then upgraded the host and guests to 14.1.0 over the weekend. Boy was that a mistake. Ended-up rolling the guests back to 13 (several tickets opened with support, confirmed bugs).

    Anyway, now I am on host v14.1.0 and guests are v13.1.1.3.

    Confirmed images are uploaded to host -- but still not seeing them on the guests.

    I opened a ticket with support last Thursday, but via p4 -- still haven't heard back yet (not pressing by any means).

  • John_Huttley_23's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Ryan,


    Good idea opening a ticket, you'll get someones' full attention.


    When you get the answer, will you post it here please?






  • I have the same issue here. But from what i can see, removing https redirect did not solve the problem for me.. :(


    I am running two BigIP 5250v vcmp hosts with 3 vcmp guests each (3 HA Pairs) where two of them can list the host images. It is the same on the other host..


    • Andreas_Dahlbe1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Never mind! After upgrading vcmp host and guests to, the images are showing up on all the hosts. Before the upgrade, hosts where running 11.6.x and guests 13.x.x.. as i understand, not best practice as i understand.. :)