Forum Discussion
Jul 12, 2014
BIG-IP : iRule fails to find cookie
In Google Advanced REST Client , I send my GET request with headers : Cookie: special=1 My iRule has the following code : when HTTP_REQUEST {
set cookie_special [HTTP::cookie value "s...
Jul 12, 2014A few things:
I'd makes sure you're actually sending a cookie. If you can tcpdump on the F5 external interface, set the -Xs0 flag to show the payload.
tcpdump -lnni 0.0 -Xs0 host x.x.x.x
Here's a really useful tool for analyzing request and response headers. You can see cookies with this as well.
when HTTP_REQUEST { foreach x [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "Request ($x) = [HTTP::header $x]" } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { foreach x [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "Response ($x) = [HTTP::header $x]" } }
You can use the [HTTP::header exists ] or [HTTP::cookie exists ] mechanisms to see if a cookie actually exists in a request:
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::cookie exists "mycookie"] } { log local0. "mycookie exists: [HTTP::cookie value mycookie]" } }
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