Forum Discussion

Fabio_Lira_2922's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 12, 2015

BIG-IP - 11.6.0. OID to collect interface description

Hello Guys,

I am looking for an OID which returns the description of the interfaces of a VIPRION C2400 with blade B2100 running BIG-IP 11.6.0.

I searched all MIBs and didn't find the OID. Below is the excerpt I want to return.

net interface 1/1.1 {

**description "TOR1_SW1 1/48"**


net interface 1/1.2 {

**description "TOR1_SW2 1/48"**


Can anyone help me?

Or any tips of where or how should I set my interface descriptions to collect them.

Thankyou so much.

  • Hi,


    Can you check this please inside F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB MIB


    1. OID .
    3. Syntax LongDisplayString (OCTET STRING) (SIZE (0..1024)). Hint: 1024a
    4. Indexes sysInterfaceName
    5. Descr The name of an interface.
  • I am looking for an OID which returns the description of the interfaces of a VIPRION C2400 with blade B2100 running BIG-IP 11.6.0.


    i do not find it either.