Nov 10, 2011Nimbostratus
Backup Pool
Hi everyone,
I'd like to create a backup pool that is always available in the event that health checks cause all the members of a pool to be taken offline. I'm trying to avoid any instance of a virtual server or pool becoming completely unavailable due to all the members being offline.
AFAIK, this can only be accomplished via irule?
Is it possible to have the LTM ignore node availability when all members of a pool is down and just send traffic to the pool as if nothing is down?
I'm pretty sure the irule should be fairly simple, the only tricky part is, I'd like to avoid having to use a separate irule for every single virtual server.
Is there a way to grab the name of the virtual server as a variable and insert that as a pool name preceded with 'B'?
For instance if the VS name is web80, the backup pool name would be Bweb80. That way one irule should work for all virtual servers, provided I create the appropriate pool of course. Is this correct?
Any help would be appreciated.