Forum Discussion
Aug 03, 2011Auto retry of a request when a 500 proxy error is returned.
We're working on making application failures more seamless in the event of an application crash... and our application uses a combination of the GET and POST methods. Is there a way (or even an easy way) to resubmit these messages to another pool member if a 500 error response is received?
- boomchke_11156
Take a look at these... - hoolio
Hi Scott, - JRahm
I started some work on a concept rule that would allow you to take chunks of the HTTP data and store in separate variables (from some code from Deb a while back). The chunk part is working in a clean collect/release method, and I had a working model of storing the chunks in variables (though I've misplaced that code now). What I hadn't done yet is figure out how to after something like a response, re-gather all the data for release to the server. Anyway, if you want to fiddle, here's the start:when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::method] == "POST" } { set collected 0 if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } { set content_len [HTTP::header Content-Length] } else { set content_len 0 } if { $content_len > 0 && $content_len < 524289 } { set collect_len $content_len } else { set collect_len 524288 } if { $collect_len > 0 } { HTTP::collect $collect_len } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { if { $content_len > 0 } { set collected [expr {$collected + $collect_len}] set remaining [expr {$content_len - $collected}] if { $remaining > 0 } { if { $remaining < $collect_len } { HTTP::collect $remaining HTTP::release return } HTTP::collect $collect_len } } }
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