Forum Discussion

Mohamed_Sayed_3's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 06, 2019

ASM policy HTTP/HTTPS Virtual Server



We have a VS running as HTTP with an ASM security policy and many learned objects and we need to move to HTTPS instead of HTTP i'm aware of option "Differentiate between HTTP/WS and HTTPS/WSS URLs" and the option is enabled so all the learned objects are working with HTTP only and when moving to HTTPS most of the url are blocked as they aren't learned yet (as HTTPS) so is there any way we can modify the security policy to be working with HTTPS instead of creating new one and start from scratch.


  • One way of achieving this is to export your policy as XML (full version, not the compact one). Then open the XML file in a text editor (like Sublime or Atom) and do a search an replace all instances of


    then save the XML file and re-import it into the new policy - all URLs will now be HTTPS.