Dec 03, 2022Cirrus
APM sesions count per partition
Hello, is it possible to get list or just count of APM sessions per policy or per partition? I found some snmp or tmsh commands, but they never return result for specific partition or specific APM ...
- Dec 03, 2022
Hi Zdnek,
iControl REST-API does unfortunately not have an end-point to show statistical data for a given APM policy.
But TMSH CLI has a command to display active sessions for a given APM policy. See the syntax below:
itacs@(kw-f5-dev)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show apm profile access -------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS Profile: Radius_Policy -------------------------------------------------------------- User Session Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------- total sessions: 7 total established sessions: 0 current active sessions: 1 current pending sessions: 1 current established sessions: 0 sessions terminated due to user logged out: 3 sessions terminated due to admin termination: 0 sessions terminated due to timeout in evaluation state: 3 sessions terminated due to timeout in established state: 0 sessions terminated due to errors: 0 sessions that resulted in an allow ending: 0 sessions resulted into deny ending: 0 sessions resulted into redirect ending: 0 sessions resulted into redirect ending with session: 0 requests allowed by ACL: 0 requests denied by ACL: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Apply Access Policy: Not-Required -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS Profile: access -------------------------------------------------------------- User Session Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------- total sessions: 0 total established sessions: 0 current active sessions: 0 current pending sessions: 0 current established sessions: 0 sessions terminated due to user logged out: 0 sessions terminated due to admin termination: 0 sessions terminated due to timeout in evaluation state: 0 sessions terminated due to timeout in established state: 0 sessions terminated due to errors: 0 sessions that resulted in an allow ending: 0 sessions resulted into deny ending: 0 sessions resulted into redirect ending: 0 sessions resulted into redirect ending with session: 0 requests allowed by ACL: 0 requests denied by ACL: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Apply Access Policy: Not-Required --------------------------------------------------------------
If REST is your prefered method to query such data, then you could access those information via:
curl -sku 'admin:admin' -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "{\"command\":\"run\", \"utilCmdArgs\": \"-c 'tmsh show apm profile access'\"}" https://YOURBIGIP/mgmt/tm/util/bash
You may also write a custom TMSH script to enumerate your partitions, enumerate the included APM Policies, query statistical information and finally output the enumerated infomation in a more compact format (e.g. CSV, JSON, XML, whatever...). The TMSH script may then be called via TMSH CLI or via REST API...
Cheers, Kai