Forum Discussion

Zdenek's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Dec 03, 2022

APM sesions count per partition

Hello, is it possible to get list or just count of APM sessions per policy or per partition? I found some snmp or tmsh commands, but they never return result for specific partition or specific APM ...
  • Kai_Wilke's avatar
    Dec 03, 2022

    Hi Zdnek,

    iControl REST-API does unfortunately not have an end-point to show statistical data for a given APM policy.

    But TMSH CLI has a command to display active sessions for a given APM policy. See the syntax below:


    itacs@(kw-f5-dev)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show apm profile access
    ACCESS Profile: Radius_Policy                                 
        User Session Statistics:                                  
        total sessions: 7                                         
        total established sessions: 0                             
        current active sessions: 1                                
        current pending sessions: 1                               
        current established sessions: 0                           
        sessions terminated due to user logged out: 3             
        sessions terminated due to admin termination: 0           
        sessions terminated due to timeout in evaluation state: 3 
        sessions terminated due to timeout in established state: 0
        sessions terminated due to errors: 0                      
        sessions that resulted in an allow ending: 0              
        sessions resulted into deny ending: 0                     
        sessions resulted into redirect ending: 0                 
        sessions resulted into redirect ending with session: 0    
        requests allowed by ACL: 0                                
        requests denied by ACL: 0                                 
        Apply Access Policy: Not-Required                         
    ACCESS Profile: access                                        
        User Session Statistics:                                  
        total sessions: 0                                         
        total established sessions: 0                             
        current active sessions: 0                                
        current pending sessions: 0                               
        current established sessions: 0                           
        sessions terminated due to user logged out: 0             
        sessions terminated due to admin termination: 0           
        sessions terminated due to timeout in evaluation state: 0 
        sessions terminated due to timeout in established state: 0
        sessions terminated due to errors: 0                      
        sessions that resulted in an allow ending: 0              
        sessions resulted into deny ending: 0                     
        sessions resulted into redirect ending: 0                 
        sessions resulted into redirect ending with session: 0    
        requests allowed by ACL: 0                                
        requests denied by ACL: 0                                 
        Apply Access Policy: Not-Required                         



    If REST is your prefered method to query such data, then you could access those information via:


    curl -sku 'admin:admin' -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "{\"command\":\"run\", \"utilCmdArgs\": \"-c 'tmsh show apm profile access'\"}" https://YOURBIGIP/mgmt/tm/util/bash


    You may also write a custom TMSH script to enumerate your partitions, enumerate the included APM Policies, query statistical information and finally output the enumerated infomation in a more compact format (e.g. CSV, JSON, XML, whatever...). The TMSH script may then be called via TMSH CLI or via REST API...

    Cheers, Kai