Forum Discussion

xbattain_307869's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 22, 2019

APM Portal Access & Angular Js issue

Hi there,


i've got an issue with AngularJS applications on APM Portal Access. While we activate Javascript Patching on the Resource, an URI segment is insert without no reason like this :$$/myapp/f5-h-$$/myapp/rs/container/?F5_origin=687474703a2f2f766970737461636b616d6f6e746465762e6b696162692e6672&F5CH=I


"/myapp/f5-h-$$" come from nowhere and i can't find a clue to solve this.


does anyone had faced the same issue ?


Thanks !


  • I am running into the same issue after an upgrade to version 13.


    Are you running version 13 as well?


  • yes, we was previously on, we recently upgrade to and the issue still there.


  • I am having this issue as well. Did anyone ever solve this? I am running version 15.1.2 Thanks.