Forum Discussion

chris100_263517's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 12, 2016

APM policy and irule



We have a single VS hosting Network Access VPN. We are adding a portal resource to the service and branching off the policy to allow for assignment to non-VPN users. The VS doesn't have SNAT for the NA users but I would like SNAT applied for the portal resource users as their real address is not routable through the F5. Is it best to use an irule event in the policy branch? what event would I use in the irule? or is there a better method,




  • Hello,


    You can just add an SNAT automap on your VS hosting both resources. The Network Access has it's own SNAT settings in its Network Access object called "SNAT Pool".


    In any case, you have a block called "Route Domain and SNAT Selection" available in the vpe.


    I think that you don't need any irule


  • Hello,


    You can just add an SNAT automap on your VS hosting both resources. The Network Access has it's own SNAT settings in its Network Access object called "SNAT Pool".


    In any case, you have a block called "Route Domain and SNAT Selection" available in the vpe.


    I think that you don't need any irule


  • Hello,


    You can just add an SNAT automap on your VS hosting both resources. The Network Access has it's own SNAT settings in its Network Access object called "SNAT Pool".


    In any case, you have a block called "Route Domain and SNAT Selection" available in the vpe.


    I think that you don't need any irule