Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, It looks like the only way you may achieve this would be to publish an external service that connect to the bigip using SSH and modify the sql database directly.

    No tmsh commands available at this time, No iControl Rest endpoint published for that.

    You may try using the Web mgmt URL used to check the Force password change option for a user :

    POST /tmui/tmui/util/ajax/facade.jsp?format=json&parsejson=true&query=custom&type=cliCrudRequest

    with a specific payload

    {"jstype":"UpdateRequest","version":"2","transaction":{"txId":"1503012886278","autoCommit":true,"uid":"runtime-context-1002","jstype":"Transaction"},"changes":[{"values":{"change_passwd":{"jstype":"string","value":true}},"keys":{"jstype":"Keys","serverType":"local_user","constraints":[{"jstype":"QueryConstraint","name":"uname","value":"michael"},{"jstype":"QueryConstraint","name":"instance","value":"/Common/test"}],"oid":"/Common/test_yann"},"serverType":"local_user","@internal-id@":"server-record-1002","oid":"/Common/test_yann","version":"2"}],"@metadata@":{"partitioned":false,"full_path":[]},"requestID":"qji2c/2mICkUWOGdxH9edNAapxY=","renderedTime":"Fri Aug 18 01:34:28 CEST 2017"}

    Depending on some version and plateform type, you may be able to trick the access to the webui by adding the following command line in your irule that you attach to your VS : node 443

    But as you can see, there is some dynamic attributes to retrieve before sending this request and it can be very complex and unsecure to expose those URLs.

    The best way would be to request an RFE to F5 directly.
