Forum Discussion

Osama_Ibrahim_M's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 07, 2019

APM Integration with Citrix

Hi Dears, first of all am new on this field, but am trying to under stand, so if someone can guide me or support it will be very appreciated. I received a request from my boss to publish Citrix usi...
  • AMiles_377865's avatar
    Mar 07, 2019

    Hello Osama,


    It seems like your second guess is correct: you're using a separate IP from your dmz range for the address that external users connect to. This virtual server will have the access profile/policy attached to it. Authentication is handled there and then credentials are given to the citrix backend servers. This makes the most sense to me.


    I don't know what resources support showed you but the general flow is summed up pretty well here. There's also a more in-depth guide here.


    Have you looked into using the citrix iApp template for this deployment? The inline text documentation can be a super helpful walk-through of the configuration. This would also make for an easy change in the future if you need to switch the ip address of the vs.


    Best of luck,

