Forum Discussion

Fabrizio66's avatar
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Nov 15, 2024

APM file and registry key date check 8 days old

Hello Guys,

I need to have an APM box and maybe iRule for VPN connection to check windows file presence and registry key, if date is older than 8 days users cannot access and it goes to quarantena forcing compliance , if newver user can access to network. I see something with windows registry check value to fetch and get to variable to manipolate with iRule, but I don't understand exactly how to do it.

Any advices?


Thanks so much


  • Hello!

    To achieve this with an APM box and iRule, you need to fetch the date from the Windows registry key, compare it with the current date, and if it's older than 8 days, quarantine the user to enforce compliance. If the date is newer, the user can access the network. Store the date in a variable and use conditional logic in iRule to control access based on this check.