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AntonyLovric_15's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 04, 2014

APM + OAM (11GR1) Installation guide for HTTP Basic Authentication over HTTPS

I can't find a guide that describes how to setup APM with OAM11g and use HTTP Basic authentication (over https). I found the SSO guide and was able to follow the 11g and 10g sequence diagrams and un...
  • Chris_Akker_129's avatar
    Jul 07, 2014

    Hi Anthony.


    It depends on what part(s) of the OAM tech stack you want to use.


    For User Auth only, you can use this guide:



    Which will provide for HTTP Basic Auth to the user ( the APM login page with username/password ), using OID - Oracle Internet Directory, OAM's LDAP server.


    If you want to use APM's Webgate functionality, then you use this guide:



    Which gives you both User Auth, and Web Access Control using the full OAM stack with AuthN/AuthZ policies. It is VERY important that you test and verify your OAM polices prior to setting up APM webgate - use a web server with a 10g Webgate agent is highly recommended. You MUST follow the steps in this deployment guide - exactly as outlined, in order, to have a successful deployment.


    Good Luck, let us know how it goes !

