Forum Discussion

sixto_192045's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 13, 2015

APM - IdP endpoint not working, returns a 404

I want to connect BIG-IP APM with simpleSAMLphp SP. I followed this guide but when the SP sent the SAML AuthNRequest to the APM IdP, it shows a 404 error.


This is how my environment is configured (notice that ip and hostnames here are not real, but has the same look like that originals):


  • Partion: Common
  • hostname:
  • IP Address: (not real)

I created a Virtual Address


I created a Virtual Server named testsaml:


  • Source Address:
  • Destination Address:
  • Service Port: 443 / HTTPS
  • State: Enable
  • SSL Profile (Client): Common/clientssl
  • SSL Profile (Server): Common/clientssl

And using an Access Profile test:


  • Partition / Path: Common
  • Parent Profile: access
  • Profile Type:All
  • SSO Domain: Single Domain
  • SSO COnfiguration: testsaml

And has an IdP: testsaml with the following data:


  • IdP EntityID:
  • Artifact Resolution Service: /Common/testsaml
  • Assigned Signing Key and Certificated: /Common/default.key /Common/default.crt

Also I registered the SP data and bounded it with the IdP.


Why when I do an SP-initiated SSO and the AuthNRequest is sent to the APM IdP SSO endpoint: a 404 is showed?


Thanks for your help, I reviewed everything but I can not find the reason.


  • Do you need artifact binding ? Can you un-select it?


    So far i've never used artifact binding and i am not sure if that could be the issue.




  • Just to verify, within your access policy, you set the SAML resource as an allowed resource, correct (e.g. in and

    Advanced Resource Assign