Feb 16, 2012Nimbostratus
An Exception to the iRule
In fact, our Big IP may not be the problem at all here. My task is to eliminate it as the culprit.
There is a wildcard dns entry that resolves a group of possible dns hostnames to a single IP address. The virtual server associated with this ip address has as a resource, an iRule which manages traffic that arrives at this IP address.
The irule in question looks like this:
if {([HTTP::host] contains "") and ([HTTP::uri] equals "/")} { HTTP::redirect
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
"" { pool }
"" { pool }
There are a number of entries in this rule for various sponsors.
We experienced an issue today where connections intended for a pool instead, appeared to be directed to
The case matching seems to absolutely rule out the possibility of bleedover, but I am curious to hear if anybody has experienced an issue similar to this and would be willing to compare notes.
I look forward to hearing from anybody who has a similar experience to share or insights into this situation.