Forum Discussion

Hussein_Ghazy's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 22, 2016

Allowing a user-agent by iRules

Hi All,


I do not want to white-list an IP address as it is dynamic, but this dynamic IP address is pen testing our network.


Thus i want to allow a specific user-agent to be able to bypass the ASM policies for pen testing.


Will the below irule do the job?


when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "MyAgent_Allow" } { return } else { drop } }






  • an update to the iRule: when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "MyAgent_Allow" } { asm::disable } else { asm::enable } }
  • Hi Hussein,


    { asm::disable } else { asm::enable }
    iRule looks valid to me. So it should work... 😉

    Cheers, Kai

  • Can i do something like IP whitelising to the user-agent, in order not to disable the ASM.
  • Please can you update if this worked.. we have a similar situation for a pen testing


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "MyAgent_Allow" } { asm::disable } else { asm::enable } }