Forum Discussion

Arie_90212's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2015

AAM: how to cache home page? (when path = /)

I'm trying to figure out how to cache pages if the request doesn't contain a file name (e.g.


I assumed that the MIME-type of the Object Type (under Policies) would classify HTML-pages as such, but it looks like this doesn't cover requests without a matching file extension.


What am I missing?


  • I think what you are seeing is what is in SOL10569: BIG-IP WebAccelerator X-PvInfo response headers may demonstrate inconsistent object cache promotion sequence . They changed the header name in AAM but the sequence should still be the same.


    The expected object promotion sequence through the different caches is as follows:


    • The initial request for a cacheable object received by the BIG-IP LTM is passed to the BIG-IP WebAccelerator and proxied to the origin server. The response from the origin server is served to the client with an S10201 X-PvInfo header code and cached to the BIG-IP WebAccelerator cache, or Smart Cache disk.
    • When the next request for the object is received by the BIG-IP LTM and passed to the BIG-IP WebAccelerator, the object is served to the client from Smart Cache with an S10102 X-PvInfo header code and promoted to memory Smart Cache.
    • When the next request for the object is received by the BIG-IP LTM and passed to the BIG-IP WebAccelerator, the object is served to the client from memory Smart Cache with an S10101 X-PvInfo header code and promoted to the BIG-IP LTM RAM Cache.
    • Subsequent requests for the object received by the BIG-IP LTM are served directly from the BIG-IP LTM RAM Cache with an S11101 X-PvInfo header code and not passed to the BIG-IP WebAccelerator until the RAM Cache maximum age is reached.
    • IheartF5_45022's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      Sorry but that article apples to WAM in v10.0.1 and v9.1 whereas AAM didn't get released until v11.x


  • If you are using the RAM only cache it is a design feature since there is only so much RAM to go around to selectively cache things based on utilization even if they are valid caching entries. I was looking for some documentation to back that up but I can't find it. I was on a call about 8 months ago with a NSE and he was talking about it. Let me look some more.


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Looks like I'm getting somewhere. I figured that it would always cache upon first request and thus show "Age: 0". However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    wainfodecode "[V2.S10202.A34484.P65790.N13710.RN0.U1555833138].[OT/html.OG/pages].[P/0.1].[O/0.2].[EH8/20].[DH1/0].[C/Mk.0].[K/n]"
    V2: X-WA-Info Format Version
    S10202: Response was served from the origin web server, because the cached content had expired.
    A34484: Application: /Common/www.domain.com_aam_custom
    P65790: Local-policy: /Common/www.domain.com_custom
    N13710: Request Policy Node: Pages
    RN0: Response match did not supersede request match
    UCI hash: 5cbc2132
    Object type: html
    Object group: pages
    Request served from TMM: 0.1
    Request owned by TMM: 0.2
    Entity hit count (local/remote): 8/20
    Document hit count (local/remote): 1/0
    Document in memory/small object cache.
    Reason: Usable content received.
    Bypass: Not applicable.
    Parking: Not parked.
  • That is by design. Check your S codes: S code definitions


    S10201: Response was served from the origin web server, because the request was for new content.


    When the BIG-IP receives a request for new content, it sends the request to the origin web server and caches the content before responding to the request. Future requests for this content are served from cache.


    And this SOL: SOL10569: BIG-IP WebAccelerator X-PvInfo response headers may demonstrate inconsistent object cache promotion sequence


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    Digging a little further. Here are the debug headers. Looks like it's classifying the resource properly, even the first time.

  • Can you try with a custom web acceleration caching policy based on the AAM default “Complete” policy type and see if the / page is cached?


    • Arie's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      More information: it looks like the home page does get cached, just not on the first hit. However, I have "Cache content on first hit" enabled on the leaf node "Pages" (and in every other place).
  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    More information: it looks like the home page does get cached, just not on the first hit. However, I have "Cache content on first hit" enabled on the leaf node "Pages" (and in every other place).