Forum Discussion

RecontuerSG_258's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Jan 19, 2018

11.6.0 wasn't mentioned as vulnerable to Meltdown and Spectre?

Dear all,


in the advisory from 11.6.0 WAS NOT mentioned to be affected. So, customer asked if his 11.6.0 isn't affected. I have advised customer to call F5 support for an official answer.


Anyone has any idea?


I wanted to say this version is not affected but I dare not confirm because it doesn’t make sense for a minor release (E.g. 11.6.1) be affected and yet its base version (11.6.0) isn’t affected.


This vulnerability is not a software vulnerability in F5, it’s a hardware feature in modern CPUs that can be exploited with malware. All modern computers with Intel chips reportedly produced in the last 10 years appear to be affected, including those running Windows and Linux.


F5 software 11.6.0 was released on 25-Aug-2014, definitely within 10 years of modern CPUs used appliances such as the 4000s. (