Forum Discussion
Hi Bryan_T_,
This feature will be available in fixed versions.
To eliminate this vulnerability in the BIG-IP system, after installing a version listed in the Fixes introduced in column, you must disable Basic Authentication for iControl SOAP.
Which version of F5 you are running? You can verify the httpd.basic_auth with these comamnd.
BASH Mode command getdb httpd.basic_auth TMSH Mode command tmsh list sys db httpd.basic_auth
If these are enabled then take recommended action based on f5
Thank you
root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list sys db httpd.basic_auth
sys db httpd.basic_auth {
value "enable"
root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Changes Pending)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# quit
[root@bigip1:Active:Changes Pending] config # list sys db httpd.basic_auth
-bash: list: command not found
[root@bigip1:Active:Changes Pending] config #