Forum Discussion

sjurkowski1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 02, 2024

failed to find TLS certificate objects, no entry finder provided

I'm trying to setup TLS @ the Cluster Level on the backend connection to the Origin Endpoint. The front end between the client and the HTTP load balancer works fine, but when i attempt to configure TLS @ the cluster level for a route, i get this error:  failed to find TLS certificate objects, no entry finder provided when saving changes to the cluster in the gui. 

I'm quite certain i have the proper CA cert uploaded..and i've tried adding the trust chain into the same cert--both with or without the intermediate chain in the CA cert, i get the same error. Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be wrong here?

  • Maybe add only the intermediate cert in the chain of trust of the cert as the root CA cert should be already on the clients and XC does not need it. Also there should be new release after this week, so test again if needed as it could be something that is solved.