7 TopicsX-Forwarded-For HTTP Module For IIS7, Source Included!
For those who of you that are having problems with logging client addresses in their server logs because you are running your web servers behind a proxy of some sort, never fear, your solution is here. For those that don't, I already discussed in my previous posts about what the X-Forwarded-For header is so feel free to click back into those to read about it. History Back in September, 2005 I wrote and posted a 32-bit ISAPI filter that extracted the X-Forwarded-For header value and replaced the c-ip value (client ip) that is stored in the server logs. Lots of folks have found this useful over time and I was eventually asked for a 64-bit version which I posted about in August, 2009. The Question Well, it looks like it's time for the next generation for this filter… I received an email from a colleague here at F5 telling me that his customer didn't want to deploy any more ISAPI filters in their IIS7 infrastructure. IIS7 introduced the concept of IIS Modules that are more integrated into the whole pipeline and was told that Microsoft is recommending folks move in that direction. I was asked if I had plans to port my ISAPI filter into a HTTP Module. The Answer Well, the answer was "probably not", but now it's changed to a "yes"! The Solution In reading about IIS Module, I found that you can develop in managed (C#/VB) or Native (C++) code. I loaded up the test C# project to see if I could get it working. In a matter of minutes I had a working module that intercepted the event when logging occurs. The only problem was that from managed code, I could find no way to actually modify the values that were passed to the logging processor. This was a problem so I scrapped that and moved to a native C++ module. After a little while of jumping through the documentation, I found the things I needed and pretty soon I had a working HTTP module that implemented the same functionality as the ISAPI filter. Download The new Http Module hasn't had much testing done so please test it out before you roll it out into production. I've made the source available as well if you find an issue and care to fix it. Just make sure you pass back the fixes to me B-). X-Forwarded-For Http Module Binary Distribution X-Forwarded-For Http Module Source Distribution The filter will require installation into IIS in order for you to be able to add it to your applications. Both distributions include a readme.txt file with an example installation procedure. Make sure you use the Release builds for the appropriate platform (x86 or x64) unless you are in need of some troubleshooting as the Debug build will dump a lot of data to a log file. The module supports customizable headers if you are using something other than X-Forwarded-For. Instructions for using that are in the readme.txt file as well. If you have any issues with using this, please let me know on this blog. Keep in mind that this is an unsupported product, but I'll do my best to fix any issues that come up. I'm even open to enhancements if you can think of any. Enjoy! -Joe3.5KViews0likes23CommentsX-Forwarded-For Log Filter for Windows Servers
For those that don't know what X-Forwarded-For is, then you might as well close your browser because this post likely will mean nothing to you… A Little Background Now, if you are still reading this, then you likely are having issues with determining the origin client connections to your web servers. When web requests are passed through proxies, load balancers, application delivery controllers, etc, the client no longer has a direct connection with the destination server and all traffic looks like it's coming from the last server in the chain. In the following diagram, Proxy2 is the last hop in the chain before the request hits the destination server. Relying on connection information alone, the server thinks that all connections come from Proxy2, not from the Client that initiated the connection. The only one in the chain here who knows who the client really is (as determined by it's client IP Address, is Proxy1. The problem is that application owners rely on source client information for many reasons ranging from analyzing client demographics to targeting Denial of Service attacks. That's where the X-Forwarded-For header comes in. It is non-RFC standard HTTP request header that is used for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through a proxy. The format of the header is: X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy, … X-Forwarded-For header logging is supported in Apache (with mod_proxy) but Microsoft IIS does not have a direct way to support the translation of the X-Forwarded-For value into the client ip (c-ip) header value used in its webserver logging. Back in September, 2005 I wrote an ISAPI filter that can be installed within IIS to perform this transition. This was primarily for F5 customers but I figured that I might as well release it into the wild as others would find value out of it. Recently folks have asked for 64 bit versions (especially with the release of Windows 2008 Server). This gave me the opportunity to brush up on my C skills. In addition to building targets for 64 bit windows, I went ahead and added a few new features that have been asked for. Proxy Chain Support The original implementation did not correctly parse the "client, proxy1, proxy2,…" format and assumed that there was a single IP address following the X-Forwarded-For header. I've added code to tokenize the values and strip out all but the first token in the comma delimited chain for inclusion in the logs. Header Name Override Others have asked to be able to change the header name that the filter looked for from "X-Forwarded-For" to some customized value. In some cases they were using the X-Forwarded-For header for another reason and wanted to use iRules to create a new header that was to be used in the logs. I implemented this by adding a configuration file option for the filter. The filter will look for a file named F5XForwardedFor.ini in the same directory as the filter with the following format: [SETTINGS] HEADER=Alternate-Header-Name The value of "Alternate-Header-Name" can be changed to whatever header you would like to use. Download I've updated the original distribution file so that folks hitting my previous blog post would get the updates. The following zip file includes 32 and 64 bit release versions of the F5XForwardedFor.dll that you can install under IIS6 or IIS7. Installation Follow these steps to install the filter. Download and unzip the F5XForwardedFor.zip distribution. Copy the F5XForwardedFor.dll file from the x86\Release or x64\Release directory (depending on your platform) into a target directory on your system. Let's say C:\ISAPIFilters. Ensure that the containing directory and the F5XForwardedFor.dll file have read permissions by the IIS process. It's easiest to just give full read access to everyone. Open the IIS Admin utility and navigate to the web server you would like to apply it to. For IIS6, Right click on your web server and select Properties. Then select the "ISAPI Filters" tab. From there click the "Add" button and enter "F5XForwardedFor" for the Name and the path to the file "c:\ISAPIFilters\F5XForwardedFor.dll" to the Executable field and click OK enough times to exit the property dialogs. At this point the filter should be working for you. You can go back into the property dialog to determine whether the filter is active or an error occurred. For II7, you'll want to select your website and then double click on the "ISAPI Filters" icon that shows up in the Features View. In the Actions Pane on the right select the "Add" link and enter "F5XForwardedFor" for the name and "C:\ISAPIFilters\F5XForwardedFor.dll" for the Executable. Click OK and you are set to go. I'd love to hear feedback on this and if there are any other feature request, I'm wide open to suggestions. The source code is included in the download distribution so if you make any changes yourself, let me know! Good luck and happy filtering! -Joe14KViews0likes14CommentsPrevent a Spoof of an X-Forwarded-For Request with BIG-IP
Last week, we looked at how to do Selective Compression on BIG-IP with a local traffic policy so this week let’s try something security related using the same procedures. You can associate a BIG-IP local traffic policy to prevent a spoof of an x-forwarded-for request. This is where bad actors might attempt to thwart security by falsifying the IP address in a header, and pass it through the BIG-IP system. Pre-reqs: We’re using BIG-IP v12 and, We already have a Virtual Server configured to manage HTTP traffic with an HTTP profile assigned to it. Let’s log into a BIG-IP The first thing we’ll need to do is create a draft policy. On the main menu select Local Traffic>Policies>Policy List and then the Create or + button. This takes us to the create policy config screen. Type a unique Policy Name like PreventSpoofOfXFF and optionally, add a description. Leave the Strategy at the default of Execute First matching rule. Click Create Policy. We’re then directed to the draft policy’s General Properties page and here we can create the rules for the policy. In the Rules area, click Create. We’ll give the rule a unique name like, StopSpoof and the first condition we need to configure is to match all HTTP traffic with the matching strategy. This means we can use the default setting of All Traffic. Then we’ll tell the policy what to do when the All Traffic condition matches. The new action is to Replace the http header named X-forwarded-for with the value of tcl:[IP::client_addr] (to return the client IP address of the connection) at the request time. Click Save. Also, save the draft. And then select the box next to the draft policy and click Publish. We can now associate the published policy with a virtual server that we’re using to manage http traffic. On the main menu click Local Traffic>Virtual Servers>Virtual Server List and click the name of the virtual server you’d like to associate for the policy. On the menu bar click Resources and next to Policies click Manage. Move PreventSpoofOfXFF to the Enabled list and click Finished. Now, the virtual server with the PreventSpoofOfXFF local traffic policy will prevent any HTTP traffic that attempts to spoof an x-forwarded-for request. Congrats! You’ve easily added additional security to your local traffic policy! You can also watch the full video demo thanks to our TechPubs team. ps2.4KViews0likes3CommentsUsing "X-Forwarded-For" in Apache or PHP
An issue that often comes up for users of any full proxy-based product is that the original client IP address is often lost to the application or web server. This is because in a full proxy system there are two connections; one between the client and the proxy, and a second one between the proxy and the web server. Essentially, the web server sees the connection as coming from the proxy, not the client. Needless to say, this can cause problems if you want to know the IP address of the real client for logging, for troubleshooting, for tracking down bad guys, or performing IP address specific tasks such as geocoding. Maybe you're just like me and you're nosy, or you're like Don and you want the webalizer graphs to be a bit more interesting (just one host does not a cool traffic graph make, after all!). That's where the "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP header comes into play. Essentially the proxy can, if configured to do so, insert the original client IP address into a custom HTTP header so it can be retrieved by the server for processing. If you've got a BIG-IP you can simply enable the ability to insert the "X-Forwarded-For" header in the http profile. Check out the screen shot below to see just how easy it is. Yeah, it's that easy. If for some reason you can't enable this feature in the HTTP profile, you can write an iRule to do the same thing. when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header insert "X-Forwarded-For" [IP::client_addr]} Yeah, that's pretty easy, too. So now that you're passing the value along, what do you do with it? Modifying Apache's Log Format Well, Joe has a post describing how to obtain this value in IIS. But that doesn't really help if you're not running IIS and like me have chosen to run a little web server you may have heard of called Apache. Configuring Apache to use the X-Forwarded-For instead of (or in conjunction with) the normal HTTP client header is pretty simple. ApacheWeek has a great article on how to incorporate custom fields into a log file, but here's the down and dirty. Open your configuration file (usually in /etc/httpd/conf/) and find the section describing the log formats. Then add the following to the log format you want to modify, or create a new one that includes this to extract the X-Forwarded-For value: %{X-Forwarded-For}i That's it. If you don't care about the proxy IP address, you can simply replace the traditional %h in the common log format with the new value, or you can add it as an additional header. Restart Apache and you're ready to go. Getting the X-Forwarded-For from PHP If you're like me, you might have written an application or site in PHP and for some reason you want the real client IP address, not the proxy IP address. Even though my BIG-IP has the X-Forwarded-For functionality enabled in the http profile, I still need to access that value from my code so I can store it in the database. $headers = apache_request_headers(); $real_client_ip = $headers["X-Forwarded-For"]; That's it, now I have the real IP address of the client, and not just the proxy's address. Happy Coding & Configuring! Imbibing: Coffee3.7KViews0likes8CommentsWILS: Client IP or Not Client IP, SNAT is the Question
Ever wonder why requests coming through proxy-based solutions, particularly load balancers, end up with an IP address other than the real client? It’s not just a network administrator having fun at your expense. SNAT is the question – and the answer. SNAT is the common abbreviation for Secure NAT, so-called because the configured address will not accept inbound connections and is, therefore, supposed to be secure. It is also sometimes (more accurately in the opinion of many) referred to as Source NAT, however, because it acts on source IP address instead of the destination IP address as is the case for NAT usage. In load balancing scenarios SNAT is used to change the source IP of incoming requests to that of the Load balancer. Now you’re probably thinking this is the reason we end up having to jump through hoops like X-FORWARDED-FOR to get the real client IP address and you’d be right. But the use of SNAT for this purpose isn’t intentionally malevolent. Really. In most cases it’s used to force the return path for responses through the load balancer, which is important when network routing from the server (virtual or physical) to the client would bypass the load balancer. This is often true because servers need a way to access the Internet for various reasons including automated updates and when the application hosted on the server needs to call out to a third-party application, such as integrating with a Web 2.0 site via an API call. In these situations it is desirable for the server to bypass the load balancer because the traffic is initiated by the server, and is not usually being managed by the load balancer. In the case of a request coming from a client the response needs to return through the load balancer because incoming requests are usually destination NAT’d in most load balancing configurations, so the traffic has to traverse the same path, in reverse, in order to undo that translation and ensure the response is delivered to the client. Most land balancing solutions offer the ability to specify, on a per-IP address basis, the SNAT mappings as well as providing an “auto map” feature which uses the IP addresses assigned to load balancer (often called “self-ip” addresses) to perform the SNAT mappings. Advanced load balancers have additional methods of assigning SNAT mappings including assigning a “pool” of addresses to a virtual (network) server to be used automatically as well as intelligent SNAT capabilities that allow the use of network-side scripting to manipulate on a case-by-case basis the SNAT mappings. Most configurations can comfortably use the auto map feature to manage SNAT, by far the least complex of the available configurations. WILS: Write It Like Seth. Seth Godin always gets his point across with brevity and wit. WILS is an ATTEMPT TO BE concise about application delivery TOPICS AND just get straight to the point. NO DILLY DALLYING AROUND. Using "X-Forwarded-For" in Apache or PHP SNAT Translation Overflow Working around client-side limitations on custom HTTP headers WILS: Why Does Load Balancing Improve Application Performance? WILS: The Concise Guide to *-Load Balancing WILS: Network Load Balancing versus Application Load Balancing All WILS Topics on DevCentral If Load Balancers Are Dead Why Do We Keep Talking About Them?484Views0likes2CommentsDire (Load Balancing) Straits: I Want My Client IP
load balancing fu for developers to avoid losing what is vital business data I want my client IP Now read the manuals that's the way you do it Give the IP to the SLB That ain't workin' that’s the way to do it Set the gateway on the server to your SLB (many apologies to Dire Straits) My brother called me last week with a load balancing emergency. See, for most retailers the “big day” of the year is the Friday after Thanksgiving. In Wisconsin, particularly for retailers that focus on water sports, the “big day” of the year is Memorial Day because it’s the first long weekend of the summer. My brother was up late trying to help one of those retailers prepare for the weekend and the inevitable spike in traffic to the websites of people looking for boats and water-skis and other water-related sports “things”. They’d just installed a pair of load balancers and though they worked just fine they had a huge problem on their hands: the application wasn’t getting the client IP but instead was logging the IP address of the load balancers. This is a common problem that crops up the first time an application is horizontally scaled out using a Load balancer. The business (sales and marketing) analysts need the IP address of the client in order to properly slice and dice data collected. The application must log the correct IP address or the data is virtually useless to the business. There are a couple of solutions to this problem; which one you choose will depend on the human resources you have available and whether or not you can change your network architecture. The latter would be particularly challenging for applications deployed in a cloud computing environment that are taking advantage of a load balancing solution deployed as a virtual network appliance or “softADC” along with the applications, because you only have control over the configuration of your virtual images and the virtual network appliance-hosted load balancer. THE PROBLEM The problem is that often times load balancers in small-medium sized datacenters and cloud computing environments are deployed in a flat network architecture, with the load balancer essentially in a one-armed (or side-armed) configuration. This means the load balancer needs only one interface, and there’s no complex network routing necessary because the load balancer and the servers are on the same network. It’s also often used as a transparent option for a new load balancing implementation when applications are already live and in use and disrupting service is not an option. But herein lies the source of the problem: because the load balancer and the servers are on the same network the load balancer must pretend to be the client in order to force the responses back through the load balancer (This is also true of larger and more complex configurations in which the load balancer acts as a full proxy). What happens generally is the load balancer replaces the client IP address in the network layer with its own IP address to force responses to come back to it, then rewrites the Ethernet header on the way back out. When the web server logs the transaction, the client IP address is the IP address of the load balancer, and that’s what gets written into the logs. This is also the case in larger deployments when the load balancer is a full proxy; the requests appear to come from the load balancer in order to apply the appropriate optimization and security policies on the responses, e.g. content scrubbing and TCP multiplexing. The load balancer/ADC cannot provide any kind of TCP connection optimization (such as is used to increase VM density) and application acceleration capabilities in such a mode because it never sees the responses. The result is a DSR (Direct Server Return) mode of operation, meaning that while requests traverse the load balancer, the responses don’t. This is the situation my brother found himself in (on his birthday, no less, what a dedicated guy) when he called me. It was Friday afternoon of Memorial Day weekend and the site absolutely had to be up and logging client IP addresses accurately or the client – a retailer of water-related goods - was going to be very, very, very angry. THE SOLUTION(s) You might be thinking the obvious solution to this problem is to turn on the spoofing option on the load balancer. It is, but it isn’t. Or at least it isn’t without a configuration change to the servers. See, the real problem in these scenarios is that the servers are still configured with a default gateway other than the load balancer. Enabling spoofing, i.e. the ability of the load balancer to pretend to be the client IP address, in this situation would have resulted in the web server’s responses still being routed around the load balancer because the servers, having no static route to the client IP, would automatically send them to the default gateway (the router). The solution is to change the network configuration of the web servers to use a default gateway that is the load balancer’s IP address, thus insuring that responses are routed back through the load balancer regardless of the client IP. Once that’s accomplished then you can enable SNAT and/or spoofing or “preserve client IP” or whatever the vendor refers to the functionality as and the web server logs will show the actual IP address of the client instead of the load balancer. Another option is to enable the load balancer to insert the “X-Forwarded-For” custom HTTP header. Most modern load balancers offer this as a checkbox configuration feature. Every HTTP request is modified by the load balancer to include the custom HTTP header with a value that is the client’s true IP address. It is then the application’s responsibility to extract that value instead of the default for logging and per-client personalization/authorization. The extent of the modification of the application depends on how reliant on the client IP address is. If it’s only for logging then a web/app server configuration change is likely the only change necessary. If the application makes use of that IP to apply policies or make application-specific decisions, then modification to the application itself will be necessary. THIS is WHY DEVOPS is NECESSARY As more developers take to the cloud as a deployment option for applications this very basic – but very frustrating – scenario is likely to occur more often than not as developers become more familiar with load balancers and deploy them in an IaaS environment. IaaS providers offering “auto-scaling” or “load balancing” services as a capability will have taken this problem into consideration when they architected their underlying infrastructure and thus the customer is relieved of responsibility for the nitty-gritty details. Customers deploying a separate virtualized load balancing solution – to take advantage of more robust load balancing algorithms and application delivery features like network-side scripting – will need to be aware of the impact of network configuration on the application’s ability to “see” the client IP address. Even if the customer is not concerned about the ability to extract the real client IP address it is still important to understand the impact to the return data path as well as the loss of functionality (optimization, security, acceleration) from routing around the load balancing solution on the application response. This particular knowledge falls into the responsibility demesne of what folks like James Urquhart and Damon Edwards and Shlomo Swidler (among many others) calls “devops”; developers whose skill set and knowledge expands into operations in order to successfully take advantage of cloud computing. Developers must be involved with and understand the implications of what has before been primarily an operational concern because it impacts their application and potentially impacts the ability of their applications to function properly. Development and operations must collaborate on just such concerns because it impacts the business and its ability to succeed in its functions, such as understanding the demographics of its customer base by applying GeoLocation technologies to client IP addresses. Without the real client IP address such demographic data mining fails and the business cannot make the adjustments necessary to its products/services. Business, operations, and development must collaborate to understand the requirements and then implement them in the most operationally efficient manner possible. Devops promises to enable that collaboration by tearing down the wall that has long existed between developers and operations.574Views0likes0Comments4 things you can do in your code now to make it more scalable later
No one likes to hear that they need to rewrite or re-architect an application because it doesn't scale. I'm sure no one at Twitter thought that they'd need to be overhauling their architecture because it gained popularity as quickly as it did. Many developers, especially in the enterprise space, don't worry about the kind of scalability that sites like Twitter or LinkedIn need to concern themselves with, but they still need to be (or at least should be) concerned with scalability in general and the effects of inserting an application into a high-scalability environment, such as one fronted by a load balancer or application delivery controller. There are some very simple things you can do in your code, when you're developing an application, that can ease the transition into a high-availability architecture and that will eventually lead to a faster, more scalable application. Here are four things you can do now - and why - to make your application fit better into a high availability environment in the future and avoid rewriting or re-architecting your solutions later. Where's F5? Storage Decisions Sept 23-24 in New York Networld IT Roadmap Sept 23 in Dallas Oracle Open World Sept 21-25 in San Francisco Storage Networking World Oct 13-16 in Dallas Storage Expo 2008 UK Oct 15-16 in London Storage Networking World Oct 27-29 in Frankfurt 1. Don't assume your application is always responsible for cookie encryption Encrypting cookies in today's privacy lax environment that is the Internet is the responsible thing to do. In the first iterations of your application you will certainly be responsible for handling the encryption and decryption of cookies, but later on, when the application is inserted into a high-availability environment and there exists an application delivery controller (ADC), that functionality can be offloaded to the ADC. Offloading the responsibility for encryption and decryption of cookies to the ADC improves performance because the ADC employs hardware acceleration. To make it easier to offload this responsibility to an ADC in the future but support it early on, use a configuration flag to indicate whether you should decrypt or encrypt cookies before examining them. That way you can simply change the configuration flag later on and immediately take advantage of a performance boost from the network infrastructure. 2. Don't assume the client IP is accurate If you need to use/store/access the client's IP address, don't assume the traditional HTTP header is accurate. Early on it certainly will be, but when the application is inserted into a high availability environment and a full-proxy solution is sitting in front of your application, it won't be. A full-proxy mediates between client and server, which means it is the client when talking to the server, so its IP address becomes the "client IP". Almost all full-proxies insert the real client IP address into the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, so you should always check that header before checking the client IP address. If there is an X-Forwarded-For value, you'll more than likely want to use it instead of the client IP address. This simple check should alleviate the need to make changes to your application when it's moved into a high availability environment. 3. Don't use relative paths Always use the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) when referencing images, scripts, etc... inside your application. Furthermore, use different host names for different content types - i.e. images.example.com and scripts.example.com. Early on all the hosts will point to the same server, probably, but by insuring that you're using the FQDN now makes architecting that high availability environment much easier. While any intelligent application delivery controller can perform layer 7 switching on any part of the URI and arrive at the same architecture, it's much more efficient to load balance and route application data based on the host name. By using the FQDN and separating host names by content type you can later optimize and tune specific servers for delivery of that content, or use the CNAME trick to improve parallelism and performance in request heavy applications. 4. Separate out API rate limiting functionality If you're writing an application with an API for integration later, separate out the rate limiting functionality. Initially you may need it, but when the application is inserted into a high-availability environment with an intelligent application delivery controller, it can take over that functionality and spare your application from having to reject requests that exceed the set limits. Like cookie encryption, use a configuration flag to determine whether you should check this limitation or not so it can be easily be turned on and off at will. By offloading the responsibility for rate limiting to an application delivery controller you remove the need for the server to waste resources (connections, RAM, cycles) on requests it won't respond to anyway. This improves the capacity of the server and thus your application, making it more efficient and more scalable. By thinking about the ways in which your application will need to interact with a high availability infrastructure later and adjusting your code to take that into consideration you can save yourself a lot of headaches later on when your application is inserted into that infrastructure. That means less rewriting of applications, less troubleshooting, and fewer servers needed to scale up quickly to meet demand. Happy coding!376Views0likes1Comment