3 TopicsF5 101 Exam failed :(
So I've been studying for this F5 101 Exam for some time. I've read the philip jonsson F5 101 book, the F5 study guide, done F5Learn and played in my own F5 lab for 200+ hours. I did my due diligence. Many of the questions were not included or even mentioned in the study guide. I have a feeling the exam has been updated several times without the study guide also being updated. At least I know now what kind of questions will be on the exam, but is there an actual place to read up on relevant F5 101 requirements? I feel a bit scammed...2.6KViews2likes15CommentsUnlicenced F5 BipIP
Hi Forum, I want to get some BipIPs for the 303 exams, so I can do some home study. They are quite expensive on ebay, and I have noticed a few with no licence that are a lot less. I have checked they are they 1600 with a hardware serial number and look OK. The problem is the disks have been formatted and the licence is missing. I wanted to know if I could get the licence back, but just quoting the hardware serial number to F5, as it must have been sold with a licence at some point. If not how can I get a cheap licence, for this. I dont mind if it is restricted as it is only for my home lab. Any ideas how I can turn an unlicenced 1600 BigIP F5, into a working model. Graham Mattingley190Views0likes2Comments