3 TopicsPool Member Status and how QTYPE works?
Hello, i wrote a small Irule for show the Pool Member status as json. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] eq "" } { #update Poollist, enter Pool names set poolname "P_X_http80 P_XX_http80 P_XXX_https6443" #update RootPartition for replacement set stringmap "\"%1234 \" \"\:\"" set poolnummer 1 set json "\{\"status\"\:\{\"time\"\:\"[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%b-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z"]\"," foreach pool_n $poolname { set list_all "" set list_up "" set list_down "" set member "" set member_l "" foreach member [members -list $pool_n ] { set member_l "[string map $stringmap $member]" append list_all "\"$member_l\"," } set member "" set member_l "" foreach member [members -list $pool_n ] { if { !([active_members -list $pool_n ] contains $member) }{ set member_l "[string map $stringmap $member]" append list_down "\"$member_l\"," } } set member "" set member_l "" foreach member [active_members -list $pool_n ] { set member_l "[string map $stringmap $member]" append list_up "\"$member_l\"," } set count_a [active_members $pool_n] set count [members $pool_n] set count_d [expr {$count} - {$count_a} ] append json "\"pool$poolnummer\"\:\{\"name\"\:\"$pool_n\",\"member count active\"\:$count_a,\"member count down\"\:$count_d,\"member count all\"\:$count,\"member active\"\:\[[string trimright $list_up ","]\],\"member down\"\:\[[string trimright $list_down ","]\],\"member all\"\:\[[string trimright $list_all ","]\]\}," incr poolnummer } set json [string trimright $json ","] append json "\}\}" HTTP::respond 200 content "$json" "Content-Type" "application/json" } } But i found that new implementation #v12 change to include QTYPE members [-list] [QTYPE] <poolName> [blue green yellow red gray] or Anyone know how this work or have a working irule with this "qtype"? I would like to see a example!406Views0likes1CommentNode Status Dictionary Defined
Hello, I am working with my Dev teams in some automation. They asked me which are all possible states that a node may have. This will could also apply to VIPs and Pools. I am searching if there a dictionary defined that you call it via REST. Any ideas? Thanks JulioSolved429Views0likes1CommentAmber Alarm LED but no alarm displayed in the LCD Panel
hi everyone. we have bigip2000 version 11.6.0. the led of the alarm is solid yellow. however, it does not display any alert in the LCD, dashboard or even the logs. what is the difference if the LED of the alarm is solid yellow and solid green? can anyone give me an article about these indicators, applicable to bigip2000 and version 11.6.0. Thank you guys.329Views0likes1Comment