smtp proxy
3 TopicsSMTP Proxy Not receiving Client Quit...
I recently ran into a situation where legacy devices are sending emails for alerting. However, the firmware uses AUTH PLAIN as the security mechanism which is no longer supported in the new 0365 code revision. So I decided to attempt to proxy SMTP for these devices, so that I could deal with the auth mechanism. I have everything working. However, it seems as though once the mail is queued the Client QUIT is not processed or isn't seen so the connections go into a stale state. The servers then send a 451 response and the client connection eventually closes. I believe this is causing a problem with e-mails sent in succession. If the legacy devices send 3 emails in succession (alerts). Two may be delivered. In testing this against a POSTFIX server this is not an issue. I can clearly see the Client send a QUIT to the POSTFIX server when it is not running across the F5 VIP. Here is my code, so far. I am wondering if there is something that is missing or miscoded that might be causing this problem. # GATHER PAYLOAD VARIABLES AND STORE FOR LATER. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set chelo "" set cfrom "" set crcpt "" set cauth "" set cquit "" TCP::respond "220\r\n" log local0. "GenMail: Client [IP::client_addr] accepted" TCP::collect } # GATHER PAYLOAD AND PROXY SMPT RESPONSES when CLIENT_DATA { set cdata [TCP::payload] log local0. "GenMail: Empty Payload. Resuming..." if { [ string length $cdata ] <= 0 } { return } # CONTINUE GATHERING PAYLOAD UNTIL A CARRIAGE RETURN IS FOUND if { not ( $cdata contains "\r\n" ) } { log local0. "Genmail: Gathering Payload <$cdata>" return } # TRAP HELO/EHLO and set chelo for payload rebuild. Clear payload so it doesn't get forwarded to server. if { $cdata starts_with "HELO" } { set chelo [TCP::payload] log local0. "Genmail: Gathering HELO/EHLO <$cdata>" TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $chelo] "" return } if { $cdata starts_with "EHLO" } { set chelo [TCP::payload] log local0. "Genmail: Gathering HELO/EHLO <$cdata>" TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $chelo] "" return } # TRAP for Client QUIT if { $cdata starts_with "QUIT" } { set cquit [TCP::payload] log local0. "GenMail: Client [IP::client_addr] issued QUIT." TCP::respond "221 Bye.\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $cquit] "" TCP::close } # SPOOF AUTH SUCCESS FOR AUTH PLAIN. Clear payload so it doesn't get forwarded to server. if { $cdata starts_with "AUTH" } { set cauth [TCP::payload] log local0. "GenMail: Spoofing Auth Success for <$cauth>" TCP::respond "235 2.7.0 Authentication successful\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $cauth] "" return } # TRAP SENDER and set cfrom for payload rebuild. Clear payload so it doesn't get forwarded to server. if { $cdata starts_with "MAIL" } { set cfrom [TCP::payload] log local0. "Genmail: Getting Sender - <$cfrom>" TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $cfrom] "" return } # TRAP RECIPIENT and set cfrom for payload rebuild. Clear payload so it doesn't get forwarded to server. if { $cdata starts_with "RCPT" } { set crcpt [TCP::payload] log local0. "Genmail: Getting Recipient - <$crcpt>" TCP::respond "250 OK\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $crcpt] "" return } # TRAP DATA and Respond with 354. if { $cdata starts_with "DATA" } { log local0. "GenMail: Getting Message Data - <$cdata>" TCP::respond "354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>\r\n" # Reconstruct TCP Payload without Auth Plain to server. log local0. "GenMail: Reconstructed TCP Payload [TCP::payload]" TCP::payload replace 0 0 $chelo$cfrom$crcpt } # RELEASE PAYLOAD TO SERVER AND COLLECT NEXT PAYLOAD log local0. "GenMail: <CLIENT PAYLOAD> [TCP::payload]" TCP::release TCP::collect } # SERVER SIDE CONNECTION HANDLING when SERVER_CONNECTED { log "GenMail: Server [IP::server_addr] connected" TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { set sdata [TCP::payload] # STRIP 220 Responses. Already sent to client. if { $sdata starts_with "220" } { log local0. "GenMail: Stripping Server 220 Response <$sdata>" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] "" return } #SEND QUEUED 250 RESPONSE BACK TO CLIENT if { $sdata contains "Queued" } { log local0. "GenMail: Server Queued Response <$sdata>" return } # STRIP 250 Responses already sent to client. if { $sdata starts_with "250" } { log local0. "GenMail: Stripping Server 250 OK Response <$sdata>" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] "" return } # STRIP 354 response already sent to client. if { $sdata contains "354" } { log local0. "GenMail: Stripping Server 354 Response <$sdata>" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] "" } # STRIP 221 Response already sent to client. if { $sdata contains "221" } { log local0. "GenMail: Stripping Server 221 Response <$sdata>" TCP::payload replace 0 [string length $sdata] "" TCP::close } if { [ string length $sdata ] <= 0 } { return } # RELEASE PAYLOAD TO CLIENT AND COLLECT NEXT PAYLOAD log local0. "GenMail: <SERVER PAYLOAD> [TCP::payload]" TCP::release TCP::collect } when CLIENT_CLOSED { log local0. "GenMail: Client [IP::client_addr] closed the connection." } Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.601Views0likes1CommentSMTP domain Whitelist Allow SMTP request based on MAIL FROM on serverside
Hello iRule experts, I am an irule beginner and I need some help.I have a datagroupe that contains more than 200 domain . I need route mail based on the domain found in the FROM header . My irule must verify if this domain has been properly Whitelisted by checking the datagroupe . My Irule Work when I'm using SMTP in cleartext without starttls activated on smtps profil . But with SMTP STARTTLS activated it's not work .So I'm want to check the mail from on Serverside because it using SMTP without Starttls . CLIENT-----:Port25(allow Starttls)F5--->SMTP(ClearText):Port25-->SERVER Here is my Irule that check MAIL FROM on CLIENT SIDE : Only Work if I use SMTP without Starttls configured on SMTPS profile when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set cto "" set cdata "" log local0. "Connexion de [IP::remote_addr]" LB::connect TCP::collect set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool splunk.lab.local] set client_ip [IP::client_addr] } when CLIENT_DATA { log local0. "CLIENT_DATA" set cdata [TCP::payload] log local0. "cdata : $cdata" set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool splunk.lab.local] if { [string match -nocase "MAIL FROM:*" $cdata] } { log local0. "domaine : $cdata" set fromaddr [regsub -all \[\\r\\n\\s\] $cdata ""] log local0. "domaine : $fromaddr" set fromaddr [findstr $fromaddr ":" 1] log local0. "domaine : $fromaddr" set fromdomain [findstr $fromaddr "@" 1] log local0. "domaine : $fromdomain" if { [ class match [string tolower $fromdomain] contains "MailAddrList2" ] } { TCP::payload replace 0 0 $cto pool /Common/SMTP_POOL log local0. "Email Accept based on the recipient email address" log "domaine, $fromdomain, accepted , real client ip is : $client_ip" HSL::send $hsl "<190> domaine, $fromdomain , accepted, real client ip is : $client_ip \n" HSL::send $cdata "<190>domaine, $fromdomain , accepted" } else { reject log local0. "Domain not allowed please contact your administrator " HSL::send $hsl "<190> domaine, $fromdomain , not accepted, real client ip is : $client_ip \n" } } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { log local0. "Connexion au serveur" TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { log local0. "sdata : [TCP::payload]" TCP::release `text` TCP::collect } Many thanks in advance Hermann489Views0likes0CommentsiRule to modify SMTP mail content
Hi, We have an requirement, where in we need to inspect the incoming SMTP message, look for a particular string and based on that modify the mail content. I have written the below iRule but this is not working. The CLIENT_DATA event is being triggered. I refered to the SMTP proxy iRule provided in this link( I am not sure if i am missing anything here. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { TCP::respond "220\r\n" TCP::collect 2000 } when CLIENT_DATA { set cdata [TCP::payload] if { $cdata starts_with "DATA" } { if { [string match "Exchange2010R2" $cdata ]} { string map {"Sent From:" "Sent From:\nExchange 2010 R2 Server\n"} TCP::payload } } TCP::release TCP::collect } Thanks in Advance. Ajay877Views0likes15Comments