6 TopicsiRule to discard specific DNS REQUEST
Hi We use F5 DNS and we saw there is many DNS request to us. for example. we have many spam dns request for which is not exist in our domain name. (it's non-existing domain spam) Can we have irule to discard only this request for in our listener? Is this irule work? when DNS_REQUEST { if {([string tolower [DNS::question name]] equals "")} { drop (or DNS::drop) } else { } }1.4KViews0likes1CommentAsynchronously hit an external web service from an iRule?
I'm trying to create an irule which captures traffic to various URLs. What I need to do is have the irule issue an async'd HTTP request to a web service I've created on every HTTP 200 response that flows through my BigIP. This will allow me to effectively audit the pages my users navigate to. I was looking at HTTP::retry but I don't think that will solve the problem. How do I issue a request (and ignore the response) from an iRule without interrupting the current traffic? Should I attempt to do this in separate threads?717Views0likes5CommentsRemove/Prevent Truncating of large web requests in ASM
Hi, I am presently performing some trouble shooting on a large request that is blocked only on occasion. I have switched the logging over to log all requests so that I could compare a request that passed through to a request that was blocked. The issue I am having is that the area of the request that I wish to compare has been truncated and is not visible in the ASM event logs. Is it possible to prevent the requests from being truncated? This is only in a TEST environment where logs are regularly cleared so the size of requests and storage etc are not a major concern. Thank you.499Views0likes1CommentRevocation Status in HTTP Request Header
I'm setting up a web app that will use the EDIPI to validate my user's accounts. I think I have a working udnerstanding of how that'll work--I'm going to be setting up a iRule to forward the users EDIPI to the server. (see here) It dawned on me that I'm not really sure how that process works with the revokation status. If their CAC is revoked will CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE or HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE fire? I'm picturing still getting their EDIPI off the CAC and setting that in the header, but also getting their revocation status and putting a yes/no in the header for "x-revoked". I could easily then check that in my server code. I believe that's how that works with Cloud 1. Is that the way I'd do that, or would the best practice be to just not send their request at all somehow?Solved464Views0likes2CommentsIrule modify host, uri on response
Hello, The scenario is that we have url that needs to be translated to another url. So this needs to be done at the request. And for the response the url needs to be translated back to its original url. For the request this works and this is how we have done this. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([HTTP::host] equals "") } { set uris [HTTP::uri] set newuri "/test[string range [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] 0 end]" HTTP::uri $newuri HTTP::host "" } } So the user gives in a url. for example: We translate this into: So there is uri and host translation. How can we do this for the response? So everything what we did here but then in reverse?442Views0likes1Comment